Even though this post and the one below were both posted today, I didn't make both of them at the same time. The one below was made yesterday, but I just didn't have time to post about it until now. The recipe I made tonight was really tasty and the smells from the pan made my mouth water while I was cooking. In fact, it smelled so good that my boy and I started eating before I remembered that I hadn't taken a picture yet, so pardon the bad photo.

This is another recipe that I snagged from tastespotting, the original of which can be found here. I made a lot of substitutions in this recipe to make up for missing ingredients and added some kale to the mix just because it was in the fridge. Also, I doubled the amount of garlic because I am a fanatic for it, but it might be too much so use your judgment. Next time I would probably cook the fish longer than it says because I like my fish tougher than most, but for the average person I think the cooking time is perfect.

Lemon Tilapia with Asparagus:

4 tilapia fillets (if frozen thaw before using)
1 lb white asparagus
1 bunch kale
1 1/2 tbs butter
1 tbs olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon
2 tbs garlic
Cilantro to garnish
salt and pepper
  1. Wash the asparagus and kale and then cut into bite size pieces (tearing the kale is easier than cutting it)
  2. In a saute pan (use a really big one if you want to do this all in one pan, otherwise you could make the sauce twice and cook the veggies and fish separately) combine the butter, olive oil and lemon juice and heat until the butter melts, then add the garlic. Cook until garlic is brown.
  3. Add in the asparagus.
  4. While it is cooking salt and pepper the fillets to taste, then add them to the pan, making sure they come in contact with plenty of the sauce. 
  5. Cook fillets for about 3 minutes on each side and then remove, leaving the asparagus. Add in the kale and cook until tender. 
  6. Serve with chopped cilantro over the fish.
I really like the flavors in this dish because I love citrus, the original recipe called for lime instead of lemon, so next time I would like to try it that way. Plus, since the recipe asks you to make all this in one pan it saves a lot of time on clean up! Can't beat that.
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